Legacy of Words

Have you ever wondered if your words make a difference daily?  Words that make such an impact that they are remembered, repeated, shaping thoughts and actions. A good friend of mine was given words that made a difference in his life by a school teacher.  They were words that he repeated and shared for the next 80 years of his life.  The words were simple, “You are dumb and you will never amount to anything!”  For the rest of his life he fought against those words trying to prove otherwise. 

Did you realize that every word that comes out of your mouth has the power to leave a legacy, positive or negative?  Every Word.  Consider the legacies of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Yes, the words were powerful and masterfully delivered but is that why they have such a great legacy?  I believe their greatness came from the timeliness of the words to the circumstances and the desire for hope and guidance for those listening. The legacy of those speeches would be diminished if they were delivered at a different place, a different time, and in front of a different audience.  The words were matches spoken into hearts filled with dried kindling that ignited emotions and passions causing a ripple effect thus leaving a legacy.

When I consider all the people that I have the privilege of talking to, there is no way I can understand their circumstances, thoughts, struggles, or fears.  I must understand that every word that comes out of my mouth has the power to leave a legacy with that person, positively or negatively.  A simple compliment might ignite hope into their bleak circumstance.  A careless word of dissatisfaction or judgement might burn down what little was left of that person’s dignity.  I don’t know all the details of each person I meet, but I do know my words have the power to ignite a legacy making their life better.

I think that is why we are taught: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29 NIV)

My words are more powerful than I realize. I must not risk using words carelessly but must be intentional hoping those listening will alwaysbenefit. What legacy are you leaving behind?


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